Sunday, February 7, 2021

Body Language Analysis

 Signs of Confidence

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In a clip of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez leading a hearing where Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was pressed on the spread of misinformation on Facebook, her composure sets the tone of the conversation. Zuckerberg cannot manage to maintain his own composure, which AOC not only capitalizes on, but uses to press even further in order to prove her points. The juxtaposition between their speaking patterns and body language only makes AOC appear more confident.

Open Posture

In Spider-Man: Homecoming, Peter struggles to lift the rubble off of himself, arguably at his lowest moment of the film. It's not until he looks at his mask in a puddle of water while remembering Tony Stark's words that Peter's posture changes, standing tall, open, finally gaining back some lost confidence.

Unwavering Eye Contact (Minimal Blinking)

Furthermore, AOC's eye contact rarely leaves Zuckerberg (Aside from reading her notes). This intense eye contact is a show of confidence as well as intimidation, as Zuckerberg routinely looks away from AOC, at his feet, around the room, and blinks constantly as he ties to think. 

Identifying Weakness

"Your foot's starting to jump a little bit, you better
get to your next question."

In a clip where Robert Downey Jr. is being asked several invasive questions about his past during an interview, he takes control of the situation rather than let himself explode. As with AOC, he remains composed, and attacks the interviewer's nervous habits to establish control and confidence.

Decisive Language (Confident Speaker)

Finally, AOC chooses all of her words very carefully when speaking, and rarely (if ever) stutters over her own words. She asks her questions and speaks with confidence and control, as Zuckerberg struggles and ultimately fails to do the same (As seen in the gif above).

Additional Examples of Confidence

Image result for confidence gif